Dear Aaron, Hi baby boy! Happy 26 Week Heaven Day Aaron. Well, Daddy and I made it through Thanksgiving and we did the parade. I need to get the pictures developed. They were on a disposable stinks when you can't have a digital camera with you. We had a nice Thanksgiving day and we had your candle lit all day. Last weekend your Grammy and PopPop Young picked up a lamb that they ordered for the memorial garden at Tabor. It is beautiful. I saw it tonight when I went to choir. It was very neat underneath a tree that is all lit up for Christmas. I need to get a picture of that before we move. For the past two days your Grandma, Grammy and I packed and packed and scrubbed and got most of this house cleaned out and packed up! Your daddy still doesn't quite believe we're moving half the time I think. This new house would have been great to watch you grow up in. Based on the fact that I have about a box and a half worth of your things not to mention all th...
An ongoing chronicle of the aftermath of losing our premature infant son, Aaron.
Born: 4/28/2006
Died: 5/31/2006