The Facts
Age: 26 years
Occupation: Web Developer for a GIS Mapping firm
Residence: 2 BR apartment, Pottstown, PA
Age: 26 years
Occupation: PR/Marketing for a Contractor/Remodeler
Residence: same 2BR apartment
Age: -7.5 months
Occupation: Fetus
Residence: DrummerWife's uterus
The Story:
Well, we've been married 1 week shy of 17 months now. DrummerWife and I discovered our pregnancy little over 1 week ago. As best we can figure DrummerBaby is about 6 weeks "concieved" at this point, making our due date (as best DrummerWife and I can tabulate) sometime in late July or early August. Our little bundle of joy is quite the surprise to both of us.
I decided a little over 10 minutes ago that I was going to track the status of my wife, myself, and the little DrummerBaby over the course of the next 7.5 months and beyond. And hence, BabyOnYourSix is born. I only hope I can supply you, gentle reader, with some wit, some insight, and most importantly, a useless waste of baby-inspired bandwidth from the father's point-of-view.
Don't look now, Drummer, but there's a BABY ON YOUR SIX!