Picture this quaint domestic scene - Husband arrives home from work, after stopping off to do some Christmas shopping for the love of his life, to find his pregnant wife is sitting down in the living room, resting, with dinner in the oven. The young wife opens the oven to reveal the evening's meal...
Chicken Nuggets and Texas Toast.
Now, I don't exactly posses a discriminating palette. If left to my own devices, I'd probably eat English muffin pizzas and ramen for dinner every night, so I'm not going to complain about what my wonderful wife has prepared for our meal. I just can't help but smile at the fun food combinations she comes up with. Her explanation was, "It just sounded good to me at the time." She was driving home from work and had a craving for chicken nuggets. At least she didn't go to McDonald's to get them. On top of the nuggets and "toast", she proceeded to put about 3000 black olives on her salad, stating "they taste like candy to me!"
Then, as has been the norm the last week or two, DrummerWife curled up on the couch by 8:30 or 9:00pm and all but passed out.
Sleep and chicken nuggets. Does life get any better?
Chicken Nuggets and Texas Toast.
Now, I don't exactly posses a discriminating palette. If left to my own devices, I'd probably eat English muffin pizzas and ramen for dinner every night, so I'm not going to complain about what my wonderful wife has prepared for our meal. I just can't help but smile at the fun food combinations she comes up with. Her explanation was, "It just sounded good to me at the time." She was driving home from work and had a craving for chicken nuggets. At least she didn't go to McDonald's to get them. On top of the nuggets and "toast", she proceeded to put about 3000 black olives on her salad, stating "they taste like candy to me!"
Then, as has been the norm the last week or two, DrummerWife curled up on the couch by 8:30 or 9:00pm and all but passed out.
Sleep and chicken nuggets. Does life get any better?