It's Monday. I could go into the whole "time to get back to work, the weekend's over, blah blah blah blah" crap, but I'll spare you. I'll just say "it's Monday." You know the deal.
Anyway, as with this little post's title, DrummerWife and I were discussing the possibility of her extending her time away from the grind after DrummerBaby arrives. She's convinced that she's going to find a way to stay home for a few months in addition to whatever maternity leave she may get from work (most likely to only be the legally mandated 6 weeks, unpaid - but hey, we can dream). If she can find a way to do it, God bless her. But it would be putting us in a very tight financial situation. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I am terrified of it. The idea of supporting three humans on my income alone just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
But alas, I've given her my blessing to pursue the idea. If she can find a way to make it work for a few months, then more power to her.
Anyway, as with this little post's title, DrummerWife and I were discussing the possibility of her extending her time away from the grind after DrummerBaby arrives. She's convinced that she's going to find a way to stay home for a few months in addition to whatever maternity leave she may get from work (most likely to only be the legally mandated 6 weeks, unpaid - but hey, we can dream). If she can find a way to do it, God bless her. But it would be putting us in a very tight financial situation. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I am terrified of it. The idea of supporting three humans on my income alone just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
But alas, I've given her my blessing to pursue the idea. If she can find a way to make it work for a few months, then more power to her.
Oh wait, I'm just the father.
Excuse me, but that hardly seems fair.
What does seem fair to me is, DrummerWife takes a job at night after a few weeks, and gives me a hand supporting the kid financially.
I'm willing to help. But I'm not going to shoulder the burden of financially supporting this family on my own, not when I fully expect to be included in helping to raise the child. If it's 50/50 in parenting, then it's gotta be 50/50 in finances as well.
If I was financially independent, and we didn't need DrummerWife's income, that would be one thing. But we're not. And we do need her income. And that's just life.