Well, Friday is finally here. Oh, sure, there's still a full work-day to get through, but it's indeed Friday. DrummerWife and I have a weekend of catching up on laundry, throwing away excess crap that we've amassed, and looking at an apartment or two ahead of us. Should be a blast.
Also, tonight is what we lovingly refer to as "Nerd Night." It's the monthly meeting of my gaming group. DrummerWife started calling it Nerd Night, and me "King Nerd", about a year ago. Then, she started playing. Now, she's Queen Nerd. (Does that make DrummerBaby Prince or Princess Nerd?) The group's playing at our place tonight (we rotate homes), and I know this is going to be a looooong day at work. I really enjoy Nerd Night and the Fridays before we play just seem to drag. It's a cheap, fun way to get together with friends, and spend a few hours in true escapism. For those who are wondering - yes, we play D&D, and no, it's not weird or strange. Think of it as a giant Choose Your Own Adventure story set in Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings). I'm the "DM" (Dungeon Master) but I prefer the term GM (or Game Master). GM just sounds less high school to me.
Last but not least, as DrummerWife and I settle into the routine of looking for a new home, and visiting the doctors over the next few months, I see this little journal project turning more into "life with the DrummerFamily, and all it's odd foibles" and less into "OMG THERE'S A BABY ON THE WAY." Oh, there will still be plenty of baby-related posts (how can there NOT be?), but I think that DrummerWife and I are becoming more and more comfortable with this whole expectant-parent thing, and until the baby is born, there's just so many times I can say "we went to the doctor again." Or, "we looked at another apartment and it sucked," you know?
Also, tonight is what we lovingly refer to as "Nerd Night." It's the monthly meeting of my gaming group. DrummerWife started calling it Nerd Night, and me "King Nerd", about a year ago. Then, she started playing. Now, she's Queen Nerd. (Does that make DrummerBaby Prince or Princess Nerd?) The group's playing at our place tonight (we rotate homes), and I know this is going to be a looooong day at work. I really enjoy Nerd Night and the Fridays before we play just seem to drag. It's a cheap, fun way to get together with friends, and spend a few hours in true escapism. For those who are wondering - yes, we play D&D, and no, it's not weird or strange. Think of it as a giant Choose Your Own Adventure story set in Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings). I'm the "DM" (Dungeon Master) but I prefer the term GM (or Game Master). GM just sounds less high school to me.
Last but not least, as DrummerWife and I settle into the routine of looking for a new home, and visiting the doctors over the next few months, I see this little journal project turning more into "life with the DrummerFamily, and all it's odd foibles" and less into "OMG THERE'S A BABY ON THE WAY." Oh, there will still be plenty of baby-related posts (how can there NOT be?), but I think that DrummerWife and I are becoming more and more comfortable with this whole expectant-parent thing, and until the baby is born, there's just so many times I can say "we went to the doctor again." Or, "we looked at another apartment and it sucked," you know?