So, last night was just about the strangest night DrummerWife and I have had in quite a while. It started off with DrummerWife deciding that she had a hankering for Taco Bell. Her first real craving, and it was for Taco Bell. So, DrummerWife and I made an ill-fated run for the border. We get to Taco Bell, and order our cut-rate pseudo-Mexican food. We eat said food, and almost immediately, we're both deeply regretting the decision to eat at the 'Bell.' Well, sick to our stomachs, and barely fed, we decide to head back home. And that's when the worst radio commercial in the history of radio commercials came on. It dealt with some sensitive material, but opened itself up to a virtual treasure trove of jokes. One of which I very nearly made, except for the fact that I realized that saying the words that I was about to say would probably drive DrummerWife, in her pregnant, overly-emotional state right into tear-filled hysterics. Okay, fine. I didn't say it. We're f...
An ongoing chronicle of the aftermath of losing our premature infant son, Aaron.
Born: 4/28/2006
Died: 5/31/2006