All I have to do is bend over, place my mouth somewhat close to DrummerWife's stomach, and make any sort of low-frequency, deep, bassy sound and I can make DrummerBaby do uterine backflips. It's absolutely worth it to watch DrummerWife clutch her stomach and giggle as DrummerBaby swims around.
I figure at some point, I'll stop with the bassy soundwaves and transition over to actual speech. According to DrummerWife, the more we speak to the baby, the more soothing and comforting our voices will be to DrummerBaby when it finally makes it's grand entrance into the world, and I guess I'd rather not have the baby expect every noise it's father makes to be "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG".
In addition to the uterine gymnastics, we've got another OB/GYN appointment coming up tomorrow, and we should be able to hear the heartbeat, if the doctor wants to fire up the Doppler doo-jiggy. Additionally, we SHOULD be able to determine DrummerBaby's gender by now, if the doctor wants to fire up the ultrasound machine and we can get a good look at DrummerBaby's "special bits." If we don't get a gender tomorrow, we'll most likely have to wait until the Level 2 ultrasound next month.
I figure at some point, I'll stop with the bassy soundwaves and transition over to actual speech. According to DrummerWife, the more we speak to the baby, the more soothing and comforting our voices will be to DrummerBaby when it finally makes it's grand entrance into the world, and I guess I'd rather not have the baby expect every noise it's father makes to be "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG".
In addition to the uterine gymnastics, we've got another OB/GYN appointment coming up tomorrow, and we should be able to hear the heartbeat, if the doctor wants to fire up the Doppler doo-jiggy. Additionally, we SHOULD be able to determine DrummerBaby's gender by now, if the doctor wants to fire up the ultrasound machine and we can get a good look at DrummerBaby's "special bits." If we don't get a gender tomorrow, we'll most likely have to wait until the Level 2 ultrasound next month.