Well, I guess with all the lifestyle changes going on in our lives at the moment (new car, new furniture, preparing to move next month, baby on the way) DrummerWife is having a bit of difficult time taking it all in. She's never dealt with change well, and this are all pretty major ones for us. Last night, she had another bout of the Pregnant Tears. She's been doing much, much better with them as of late, but I guess everything going on just kinda wore her down. And on top of all of that, she's been having trouble sleeping as well, so that couldn't have helped any.
And then this morning, she had to fight to get her wedding and engagement rings off her swollen finger. Seems she's got the Pregnancy Swelling going on as well. What fun.
And then this morning, she had to fight to get her wedding and engagement rings off her swollen finger. Seems she's got the Pregnancy Swelling going on as well. What fun.