The next morning, after several doctor visits, Dad gets to go visit with Son. Mom is still on bedrest, and can't leave her room. gets to touch his son for the first time. He cries. A lot. The nurse on hand is very understanding and explains all of the machines that Son is hooked up to, and Dad feels much better. He goes back and explains everything to Mom, and the small cadre of family that have assembled in the hospital room.
Much of the weekend after that is a blur. Partially from sleep depravation, and partially because so much emotion has been expended that it's hard to think straight about it.
The end result, as of right now, is this - Aaron Keith Young was born at 12:44am on April 28th, 2006. He is 1 lb. 5.9 oz. and 13.5 inches long. He is beautiful. And he is very fragile.
Mom is healthy. She comes home from the hospital tomorrow, and that is going to be a very, very hard day for her. It will be a hard day for me, too. Because it's going to take every ounce of strength in our bodies to leave him at the hospital and come home.
The next several months (at least until Aaron is near full-term) will be spent driving back and forth to the hospital when we're not at work. We hear that in the near future, we'll be allowed to hold Aaron outside of the isolette, to continue to change him, and in the VERY near future, he'll start getting feedings of the milk that Mom is pumping for him.
You'll notice that on the right side of this blog, the Phillies Update is gone. Never to return. In it's place is going to be a link to a flickr site of Baby Aaron's photos. Feel free to order prints, if you want them, download photos, or whatever. They're there, so that our friends and family can get a good look at the little fella.
Also, this blog will shift from a running diary of Mom's goofiness during pregnancy and Dad's nervous expectations of his baby to Mom and Dad's running updates on Aaron's health, improvement, and development. So, stay tuned, folks. It's going to be a fun couple of months. :)
Much of the weekend after that is a blur. Partially from sleep depravation, and partially because so much emotion has been expended that it's hard to think straight about it.
The end result, as of right now, is this - Aaron Keith Young was born at 12:44am on April 28th, 2006. He is 1 lb. 5.9 oz. and 13.5 inches long. He is beautiful. And he is very fragile.
Mom is healthy. She comes home from the hospital tomorrow, and that is going to be a very, very hard day for her. It will be a hard day for me, too. Because it's going to take every ounce of strength in our bodies to leave him at the hospital and come home.
The next several months (at least until Aaron is near full-term) will be spent driving back and forth to the hospital when we're not at work. We hear that in the near future, we'll be allowed to hold Aaron outside of the isolette, to continue to change him, and in the VERY near future, he'll start getting feedings of the milk that Mom is pumping for him.
You'll notice that on the right side of this blog, the Phillies Update is gone. Never to return. In it's place is going to be a link to a flickr site of Baby Aaron's photos. Feel free to order prints, if you want them, download photos, or whatever. They're there, so that our friends and family can get a good look at the little fella.
Also, this blog will shift from a running diary of Mom's goofiness during pregnancy and Dad's nervous expectations of his baby to Mom and Dad's running updates on Aaron's health, improvement, and development. So, stay tuned, folks. It's going to be a fun couple of months. :)