Dear Aaron,
Well - it's been a heck of a week hasn't it? You and mommy have both been through a lot this week physically - everyone else has been right there with us mentally and emotionally. Mommy and Daddy are becoming quite the medical experts. We have learned a lot about respiratory functions, ventilators, apnea, CPAP, heart valves, etc. We are quite smart, really. You have had a very good week as far as we are concerned. You are off the ventilator and only on the CPAP. The CPAP is a tube in your nose that gives you a little bit of oxygen (room oxygen actually - what we all breathe). Basically, it was explained to us that your lungs are like a balloon and a balloon is really hard to blow up at first - but once you get it inflated so much it's much easier. The CPAP keeps your lungs inflated that first little bit - so you don't get too tired out.
Daddy and I have been down there everyday - mommy left the hospital on Tuesday - that was a really rough day for me. It was very hard for us to go home without you - even if we know you are in the best place and getting the best care possible. Aaron, there are so many people praying for the 3 of us and doing so much for us - giving mommy and daddy meals - and so much more. We are overwhelmed by the pure outpouring of love and support. It's a lot for mommy and daddy to take in. We are SO thankful for everything. You are such a fighter - we know that we are going to have our hands full with you! Boy are we going to have fun!
Well Baby Boy - you hang in there and keep up the good work :) It's going to be pretty amazing watching you grow and being able to see it all right before our eyes. As soon as you get some of those lines out of your belly mommy and daddy will be there to hold and cuddle you! We'll wait until you're ready though - no need to rush! We love you soooooo much!
As the emails you send us say - A million hugs and kisses Aaron!
Well - it's been a heck of a week hasn't it? You and mommy have both been through a lot this week physically - everyone else has been right there with us mentally and emotionally. Mommy and Daddy are becoming quite the medical experts. We have learned a lot about respiratory functions, ventilators, apnea, CPAP, heart valves, etc. We are quite smart, really. You have had a very good week as far as we are concerned. You are off the ventilator and only on the CPAP. The CPAP is a tube in your nose that gives you a little bit of oxygen (room oxygen actually - what we all breathe). Basically, it was explained to us that your lungs are like a balloon and a balloon is really hard to blow up at first - but once you get it inflated so much it's much easier. The CPAP keeps your lungs inflated that first little bit - so you don't get too tired out.
Daddy and I have been down there everyday - mommy left the hospital on Tuesday - that was a really rough day for me. It was very hard for us to go home without you - even if we know you are in the best place and getting the best care possible. Aaron, there are so many people praying for the 3 of us and doing so much for us - giving mommy and daddy meals - and so much more. We are overwhelmed by the pure outpouring of love and support. It's a lot for mommy and daddy to take in. We are SO thankful for everything. You are such a fighter - we know that we are going to have our hands full with you! Boy are we going to have fun!
Well Baby Boy - you hang in there and keep up the good work :) It's going to be pretty amazing watching you grow and being able to see it all right before our eyes. As soon as you get some of those lines out of your belly mommy and daddy will be there to hold and cuddle you! We'll wait until you're ready though - no need to rush! We love you soooooo much!
As the emails you send us say - A million hugs and kisses Aaron!