As I write this, Aaron's daddy and I, along with his grandparents, aunts, and uncles are gathered at my mom and dad's house getting ready for the funeral. Everyone is dressed in their brightest colors and we all look great! I am wearing a dress that is various shades of pink and orange with a fun little ruffle at the bottom and my hubby is wearing a bright green shirt with a beautiful green and blue tie. There is coral, green, floral, blue and pink all around us and that makes me smile. I know it makes Aaron smile to. I can't wait to see what else people wear today - I am sure there will be some black - but I think there will be a lot of bright colors to and it will be a sight to see. The funeral is at 1:00 and I think we are as ready as we will ever be. I think it will be a BEAUTIFUL service. One of us will post a recap either today or tomorrow. Remember, if you can't be with us today, think of us, think of Aaron and let him see your biggest, toothiest grin. He'll giggle - I know it!
Again, love to all and thank you so much for everything!
Again, love to all and thank you so much for everything!
Daddy and I have only been home for a little more than an hour and already I miss you all. These past few days together were so full of love. Thank you.
Love to all of you,
Love you!
Hanna and Phill