DrummerWife is scooting out to Amish Country today to visit with some family - should be an excellent way for her to spend the day, and not have to sit at home by herself.
Yesterday, she went in to her office to see everyone there. In our group counseling session, one of the techniques they offered for mothers returning to work was to go into your office about a week before, and get all the "how are you doing?"-type questions out of the way on your own terms, instead of on your first day back.
Apparently it went pretty well. DrummerWife was happy to see everyone as it had been her first time back at work in almost 2 months. She seems to believe that she'll be heading back to work on a mostly full-time basis next week, after the 4th.
Yesterday, she went in to her office to see everyone there. In our group counseling session, one of the techniques they offered for mothers returning to work was to go into your office about a week before, and get all the "how are you doing?"-type questions out of the way on your own terms, instead of on your first day back.
Apparently it went pretty well. DrummerWife was happy to see everyone as it had been her first time back at work in almost 2 months. She seems to believe that she'll be heading back to work on a mostly full-time basis next week, after the 4th.
Hey Buddy
I just wanted to let you know that everyone here at Bryn Mawr is thinking of you and sending their love:) I miss Aaron and the both of you here at the NICU and continue to be amazed at your strength.
Lots of Hugs,
Nurse Heather
You two continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
Nurse Karen