It's come to my attention that spam has been cropping up in some of the comments in the blog. I don't want to have to do this, but I may just be forced to turn on comment moderation - meaning that I (or DrummerWife) would have to approve all comments before they show up on the blog. I don't want to have to do this for a number of reasons:
- It's a hassle. You post your comment, and then you get told a "moderator will approve it" before it's actually displayed. We have to go in, read all the comments (which we do anyway) and sort out which ones are crap from the (vast) majority that aren't.
- It kind of ridiculous that I have to consider this in the first place - some jackass out there sees that this blog gets a noticeable amount of traffic, and posts some spam comments hoping to drive up traffic to his own site. You'd hope that people would have the decency to see what this blog is, and what it represents, and not decide to attempt to use it as some tool for profit. My son died. Have a little respect.
- I don't want to feel like I'm censoring anyone. If you have something to say, I want you to be able to say it, without me or DrummerWife lording over your words and parceling out what can be posted and what can't be.
Unfortunately, if these spam comments keep cropping up, I might just turn on the moderation to keep them out. It's just so ugly to me that I even need to consider doing this.
So, in the event that in the near future you see that comment moderation has been enabled, I'm sorry.