...which is wonderful news. When all was said and done, he'd required an artificial heart valve (his second), and then he needed to be opened up a 2nd time because he'd popped a stitch internally. All-in-all, he was under anesthesia for just about all of Tuesday, and most of Wednesday, too. As of Sunday night, the general consensus was that he wouldn't be home before today. But he came home yesterday. So, hooray for early discharge, I guess.
I have to admit - it was difficult seeing him in the hospital. I went up to visit him Thursday night with my brother and father. It's amazing how much about hospitals and medical treatment I picked up during our time in the NICU with Aaron. I walked in, saw my grandfather's Broviac (central line), and said to myself "Aaron had one of those"; saw his pulse-ox (what measures oxygen absorption in his blood), and said "Aaron had one of those"; looked at his monitor and knew exactly what I was looking at; and watched a nurse give my grandfather a dose of lasicks (to help him urinate...Aaron got a LOT of lasicks). I heard his blood pressure cuff go off and start inflating and was instantly transported back into DrummerWife's hospital room hearing the same noise and saw my wife getting her blood pressure taken. It wasn't an easy night for me. But I made it. =/
Last night, DrummerWife picked up the shadowbox frame we had made of many of Aaron's belongings (or what would have BEEN his belongings). She had won a $500.00 gift certificate from a custom framing company last year, and we were just waiting for something worthwhile to use it on. Well...we got that "something worthwhile", and then some. So, we took one of what would have been Aaron's outfits, a receiving blanket, his hand-print molds, his footprints, two poems, and a few other items to them and said "mount them." They did a wonderful job. It's beautiful, and perfect. And it is going to be a fantastic addition to our home.
I have to admit - it was difficult seeing him in the hospital. I went up to visit him Thursday night with my brother and father. It's amazing how much about hospitals and medical treatment I picked up during our time in the NICU with Aaron. I walked in, saw my grandfather's Broviac (central line), and said to myself "Aaron had one of those"; saw his pulse-ox (what measures oxygen absorption in his blood), and said "Aaron had one of those"; looked at his monitor and knew exactly what I was looking at; and watched a nurse give my grandfather a dose of lasicks (to help him urinate...Aaron got a LOT of lasicks). I heard his blood pressure cuff go off and start inflating and was instantly transported back into DrummerWife's hospital room hearing the same noise and saw my wife getting her blood pressure taken. It wasn't an easy night for me. But I made it. =/
Last night, DrummerWife picked up the shadowbox frame we had made of many of Aaron's belongings (or what would have BEEN his belongings). She had won a $500.00 gift certificate from a custom framing company last year, and we were just waiting for something worthwhile to use it on. Well...we got that "something worthwhile", and then some. So, we took one of what would have been Aaron's outfits, a receiving blanket, his hand-print molds, his footprints, two poems, and a few other items to them and said "mount them." They did a wonderful job. It's beautiful, and perfect. And it is going to be a fantastic addition to our home.