Dear Aaron, Hi peanut! We are getting a nice dose of spring here finally. Tonight I was out in the memorial garden for the first time in a while. The coldness and the snow didn't make it easy for me to get out there. I was waiting to meet daddy at the church and just spent some time sitting there. It's always so peaceful there. Last night I was at Yoga, trying it out for the first time, and at the end we were just doing some quite meditation/prayer time. I was thinking about you and for about 2-3 minutes had the most vivid picture in my mind of you playing. It was so nice. I was just thinking about you and wishing I knew that you were okay and happy and boom...there I was watching you. I love those moments and will treasure them for as long as I can have them. It is so reassuring to me. Things for the walk are going full steam ahead and I know that you are so proud of "The 'A' Team". I also was told by a certain cousin, that some hats have been kni...
An ongoing chronicle of the aftermath of losing our premature infant son, Aaron.
Born: 4/28/2006
Died: 5/31/2006