The surgeon says that Aaron is more than stable. In fact, with the exception of his x-rays, everything points to Aaron's status actually improving. His vitals are good, his abdomen feels softer, his white blood cell count and platelets are no longer decreasing. He seems to be, in a word, improving. Albeit ever so slightly.
I've decided to attach a photo of Aaron's monitor, and to explain what all the numbers mean.
The green line at the top is Aaron's heart rate - it's at 169, which is high for you and I, but is perfectly normal and healthy for a 27.5 week old preemie.
The yellow wavy line below the heart rate is Aaron's respiratory rate. It's a little high there at 82, but not abnormal. He is on a ventilator right now, so it's fairly controlled.
The blue line beneath that is Aaron's blood/oxygen saturation rate. It's currently at 95%, which is EXCELLENT. 100% would be too much for someone his size, and damaging to his eyesight, we're told. Anything about 88% is good, and 95% is just about perfect.
The white block beneath the blood saturation is Aaron's last blood pressure reading - a little low by adult standards, but just fine for a preemie.
The next yellow wavy line is a graphical representation of his current blood pressure. According to the nurses, that's about what it should look like.
So, you can see by the monitor image that he's doing just great. Hopefully that continues, and he keeps on getting better and better. Cross your fingers, pray, and do whatever else it is you people are doing out there. Because it's working.
P.S.: 3 new photos.

The green line at the top is Aaron's heart rate - it's at 169, which is high for you and I, but is perfectly normal and healthy for a 27.5 week old preemie.
The yellow wavy line below the heart rate is Aaron's respiratory rate. It's a little high there at 82, but not abnormal. He is on a ventilator right now, so it's fairly controlled.
The blue line beneath that is Aaron's blood/oxygen saturation rate. It's currently at 95%, which is EXCELLENT. 100% would be too much for someone his size, and damaging to his eyesight, we're told. Anything about 88% is good, and 95% is just about perfect.
The white block beneath the blood saturation is Aaron's last blood pressure reading - a little low by adult standards, but just fine for a preemie.
The next yellow wavy line is a graphical representation of his current blood pressure. According to the nurses, that's about what it should look like.
So, you can see by the monitor image that he's doing just great. Hopefully that continues, and he keeps on getting better and better. Cross your fingers, pray, and do whatever else it is you people are doing out there. Because it's working.
P.S.: 3 new photos.
(DEMIgirlie from DWLZ)