Dear Aaron,
Hi baby boy! How are you doing up there? It's been four weeks since you left mommy's arms and became an angel. What a crazy four weeks it has been! The day that you actually passed, May 31st, was probably the worst day of my life. We were all so sad. It was so hard saying goodbye to you. Everyone knew you for 33 days, but I knew you for so much longer than that. You were with every single moment since November. I'll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant - it was December 4th - very shortly after Thanksgiving. From that moment on all daddy and I did was talk about you and plan for what would happen when you came into our lives. Little did we know exactly how much our lives would change.
April 28th - May 31st, they were the happiest, most nerve wracking days of my life. We lived for you and thought about you constantly. We sang, we told stories, we laughed, we cried, we cuddled and we LOVED! We met some of the nicest people we have ever met, parents of your NICU buddies, your nurses (they were the best weren't they?), and the doctors and surgeons. I am so glad that all of those people came into our lives and we will never forget them. They made our time with you better and made you feel the best you could - and most of the time, despite all that was going on, you really acted like you felt good. I can understand how towards the end your little body...it just couldn't take it anymore. It's okay that you had to leave us and I am glad that you are in a much better place with no pain and no wires or tubes.
Now, we are slowly trying to adjust to life without you in it. I know that it will be a long process and we miss you every single day. It makes my day when I can visit with you in my dreams, or sit and look at your pictures and just spend time thinking about you and talking to you. I know that your spot in the memorial garden is visited frequently by your great grandpa, and many others. Daddy and I even made a special trip out there last week to be there with you. It was so nice. You know we'll be there every time we are out there, but we know you are with us no matter where we go. We took you to mommy and daddy's college, to the beach and this weekend we'll go camping. Yes, we're still sad - just because it's hard for us to understand all of this, but Aaron know this...you will be in our thoughts every single day for the rest of our lives. All of your cousins, aunts, uncles, friends etc. will continue to hear about you and if you have any siblings in the future they will love you as much as we do. Here's a great big ((Hug)) from all of us...you keep watching out for us and keep your eyes open for the balloons that people send up there for you :)
I love you with all my heart!
PS. The picture is a little note we made for Aaron while we were at the beach!